Transition Services

What are Transition Services?

Transition Services are designed to help incarcerated individuals who have mental health concerns and/or substance use disorders make smooth transitions into the community after their release.

Our goal is to help individuals identify the behavioral health conditions and symptoms that may have contributed to their incarceration, and coordinate access to behavioral health treatment. 

In addition, case management services are provided to assist with accessing publicly available services that support stable and independent living, build self-reliance, and reduce the likelihood of subsequent re-incarceration.

Who is eligible for Transition Services?

Incarcerated individuals who

  • Are with 90 days of release; and

  • ·Have concerns about their behavioral health, including mental or substance use disorders.

  • Participation is voluntary, and is available at the request of the individual.

 What kinds of support are provided?

  • Mental Health evaluation, screening, and treatment

  • Substance Use Disorder assessment/screening, and treatment

  • Assistance with securing documents such as birth records, driver’s licenses, and other vital records

  • Help applying for Medicaid/public health benefits

  • Individualized case management

  • Coordinating access to primary health care, including dental

  • Help Assistance applying for programs filling basic needs such as food, clothing, hygiene, and housing

  • Post-release employment search support

  • Aid in accessing and applying for education and job training programs

Who provides Transition Services?

Transition Services are coordinated by OBHC’s Transition Coordinator, who works closely with the individual, court and jail staff and OBHC’s professional providers..

Partnerships and collaboration with other programs, providers, and social service agencies help ensure access to a broad range of behavioral health care, primary health/dental care , and other supportive services.

How much does it cost?

Services are free to eligible individuals who meet income requirements.

How do I apply for services?

Incarcerated individuals should ask jail or court staff to share their request for services with the Transition Coordinator.

For more information

Call 509-826-6191, or toll-free 866-826-6191.